Charmed by his innocent looks
Carried away by his impressive demeanor
Enamored by his chastising (imprisoning) vocalizations
Dreaming of his famed humor
Dear lass off you are going, off you are going.
He stands out in the group
He is one in the crowd
He leads many
He has it all, and now you
Dear lass off you are going, off you are going
You complement each other well
So says everyone
You make a good pair
So says everyone
Dear lass off you are going, off you are going
Stop your thoughtless journey
Halt your feet
Turn back towards the path you have trodden
See what has changed
Dear lass stop leaving me, stop leaving me
In my pained eyes
Search for the truth
In my troubled words
Learn the unspoken
Dear lass stop leaving me, stop leaving me
As you look through the past
Search what time has offered
In troubled waters
Who will stand by you?
Dear lass stop leaving me, stop leaving me
Unspoken is the truth
Unbearable is the pain
More than the pain that you have deserted me
I fear about your innocence getting trampled by his deceit
Dear lass stop leaving me, stop leaving me..
As you look back I sit aloof mouthing the unknown prayers for your well being . . Step back if not into my life at least into safety
------------Uday .G
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